3D-presentations: Something for everyone and every business

Case study: Technopolis
Case study: Technopolis

Briefly, let’s review the different types of spaces we have created 3D representations of. Although Matterport technology was originally designed as a tool for real estate agents, it has evolved significantly and now supports many other industries and applications as well.

Sales Support For Business And Conference Facilities In Hotels And Business Centers

Technopolis and Kämp Group, among others, have been using 3D Showcases for years to support the rental of their business and meeting facilities. They typically have organized sales teams that connect with potential customers. After the initial contact, they will send a 3D Showcase to customers for a closer look. Customers have been very pleased to be able to ‘remotely’ explore the facilities in advance and to “shortlist” those spaces which they would like to view in person.

Check out the example:


As A Design Tool

We have carried out well over 200 3D Showcases of Cruise Ship spaces ranging from a few square meters of toilets to several thousand square meters of public space. These Cruise Ships have typically been mega-class cruisers that we have 3D Digitally Captured at different stages of the ship’s life cycle. This places great demands on the scanning teams.

– When the ship is still at the shipyard, the premises are typically occupied by more than 1,000 workers during the day and the premises are often covered with protective plastic. This requires a very high level of planning and organization to be able to have spaces properly staged and to avoid workers passing through the spaces while scanning.

– When the vessel is in commercial use, the vessel has 4,000 to 6,000 passengers and 2,000 to 3,000 crew members onboard.  Cruise Ships are “floating fun cities that never sleep”.  Once again, staging and securing the facilities while scanning. 

It’s safe to say that “Finding peace to scan is challenging”.

Design offices and the ship builders use 3D presentations to support the design of new ships. They save exceptional amounts of time and money when they don’t have to fly Architects and Designers to ships around the world to check-out previous work. 3D presentations can be studied together or separately, literally anywhere in the world (and Yes, that includes any tropical paradise with long sandy beaches, palm trees bowing in the wind, a wonderful tropical drink easily at hand,  and of course, Good Internet)

Check out the example:


Teaching And Presentation Events

Among others, The Finnish Parliament, the University of Helsinki, museums and galleries have utilized 3D presentations for their teaching and presentation purposes.

Check out the example:


Guided Tours

Manors and public attractions. 3D presentations can be made very informative and instructive by adding information points (Tags) that include text, images, and video.

Check out the example:


Monitoring Of Construction Projects

3D representations are increasingly used to track and document construction projects. The phases of construction can be monitored ‘remotely’ and the various phases can be reviewed in-depth easily and effortlessly afterwards.

Check out the example:

https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=hXUb4crZUAU Before

https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=pPr69Ygxb2w  After

Check out our work at www.iLocus.fi

Jan Östman
Jan Östman
Head of Sales Finland, Chief Executive Officer

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